Welcome to Oxygem

We believe that a sustainable health of your horse starts with good nutrition and care products.

Good news because guess what… we are a product leader in this nutrition!

This website contains the Oxygem productportfolio. You only can find products that are 100% tested in practice, from which we are sure they maximize the additional value to get your horse in top shape!

Our innovative products are always based on top quality ingredients, absorbability and innovation. We reduce the supply chain maximal so we can focus and fully invest in 1 thing… product quality!

We are no webshop yet, our products are only available at dealers from which we believe they carry out the same vision and search for perfection. For more information, please contact us at info@oxygem.be


Latest news

Oxygem officieel gestart

Goed nieuws! Oxygem is uit de startblokken geschoten en heeft een eerste set van producten [...]

Oxygem officially launched!

Good news! Oxygem is officially launched en made available a first set of products. FertilOne [...]